Ignacio MONTES

Personal website

Short Bio

I received the BsC on Mathematics from the University of Oviedo in 2009, where I also got my MsC degree and the PhD degree on Mathematics and Statistics in May 2014. After finishing my PhD, I spent some months at the HEUSIASYC Research Unit of the Technologic University of Compiegne as a postdoctoral researcher. After this short stay in France, I came back to the University of Oviedo as a Substitute Professor. Then, I have been a Assistant Professor at the Carlos III University of Madrid. Currently, I am an Associate Professor at the Department of Statistics and Operations Research at the University of Oviedo.


Conferences for this summer (14/05/2024)
This summer I will attend to the IPMU'2024 and SMPS'2024 conferences. The former will take place in Lisbon (July 22-24, 2024); there, I have two accepted contributions, one with Raúl Pérez-Fernández and Bernard de Baets, and another one with David Nieto-Barba and Enrique Miranda. The latter will take place in Salzburg (September, 3-6, 2024); there, I have three accepted contributions, one with Raúl Pérez-Fernández and Julián Ros, one with J.J. Salamanca and Enrique Miranda, and the third one by myself.