Research Group > Publications > Journals/Books 2009
Journal papers/Books/Book chapters
- Ayala, G.; López-Díaz, M. (2009). The simplex dispersión ordering and its applicationto the evaluation of humancorneal endothelia. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol. 100,
nº 7, pp. 1447-1464. (doi:10.1016/j.jmva.2008.12.017)
- Cascos, I. (2009). Data depth: Multivariate Statistics and Geometry.
In New Perspectives in Stochastic Geometry (Kendall, W.S.; Molchanov, I., Eds.), pp. 398-424. Oxford University Press. (doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199232574.003.0012).
- Gil, M.Á.; Hryniewicz, O. (2009). Statistics with Imprecise
Data. In Encyclopedia
of Complexity and Systems Science, Part 19. (Meyers, R.A., Ed.-in-Chief) Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, pp. 8679-8690. (doi:10.1007/978-0-387-30440-3_520).
- González-Rodríguez, G.; Blanco, A.; Colubi, A.; Lubiano,
M.A. (2009).
Estimation of a simple linear regression model for fuzzy random variables.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems. Vol. 160, nº 3, pp. 357-370. (doi:10.1016/j.fss.2008.07.007)
- González-Rodríguez, G.; Colubi, A.; D'Urso, P.; Montenegro,
M. (2009).
Multi-sample test-based clustering for fuzzy random variables. International
Journal of Approximate Reasoning. Vol. 50, nº 5, pp. 721?731. (doi:10.1016/j.ijar.2009.01.003)
- Martínez-Camblor, P.; Corral, N.; López, M.T. (2009). Cramér-Chernoff Theorem for L1-norm in kernel density estimator for two independent samples.
Revista Colombiana de Estadística, Vol. 32 , nº 2 , pp. 289-299.
- Martínez-Camblor, P.; de Uña-Álvarez, J. (2009). Non-parametric k-sample tests: Density functions vs distribution functions.
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Vol. 53, nº 9, pp. 3344-3357. (doi:10.1016/j.csda.2009.02.009)
- Martínez-Camblor, P.; Yáñez, A. (2009). Testing the equality of diagnostic effectiveness of one measure with respect to k different features.
Journal of Applied Statistics, Vol. 36, nº 4, pp. 359-367. (doi:10.1080/02664760802464471)
- Trutschnig, W.; González-Rodríguez, G.; Colubi, A.; Gil,
M.Á. (2009).
A new family of metrics for compact, convex (fuzzy) sets based on a generalized
concept of mid and spread. Information Sciences. Vol. 179,
nº 23, pp. 3964-3972. (doi:10.1016/j.ins.2009.06.023)
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