Research Group > Publications
> Journals/Books 2017
papers/Books/Book chapters
- D'Urso, P.; Gil, M.Á., Guest Editors (2017). Editorial of the Special Issue "Fuzzy data analysis and classification".
Advances in Data Analysis and Clasification, Vol. 11(4).
- D'Urso, P.; Gil, M.Á. (2017). Fuzzy data analysis and classification.
Advances in Data Analysis and Clasification, Vol. 11(4), pp. 645–657. (doi:10.1007/s11634-017-0304-z)
- De la Rosa de Sáa, S.; Lubiano, M.A.; Sinova, B.; Filzmoser, P. (2017). Robust
scale estimators for fuzzy data. Advances in Data Analysis and Clasification, Vol. 11(4), pp. 731-758. (doi:10.1007/s11634-015-0210-1)
- Ferraro, M.B.; Giordani, P.; Vantaggi, B.; Gagolewski, M.; Gil, M.Á.; Grzegorzewski, P.; Hryniewicz, O. Editors (2017). Soft Methods for Data Science.
(Series: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 456), Springer Berlin/Heidelberg (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-42972-4,
ISBN: 978-3-319-10764-6)
- López-Díaz, M.C.; López-Díaz, M.; Martínez-Fernández, S. (2017).
A stochastic comparison of customer classifiers with an application to customer attrition in commercial banking. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal,
Vol. 7, pp. 606-627. (doi:10.1080/03461238.2016.1209549)
- Lubiano, M. A.; Gil, M.Á.; Sinova, B.; Casals, M.R., López, M.T. (2017).
Measuring the Dissimilarity Between the Distributions of Two Random Fuzzy Numbers. In: Ferraro, M.B.; Giordani, P.; Vantaggi, B.;
Gagolewski, M.; Gil, M.Á.; Grzegorzewski, P.; Hryniewicz, O. (Eds.) Soft
Methods for Data Science. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 456, pp. 319-327. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-42972-4_40)
- Lubiano, M.A.; Salas, A.; Carleos, C.; De la Rosa de Sáa, S.; Gil, M.Á. (2017).
Hypothesis testing-based comparative analysis between rating scales for intrinsically imprecise data. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Vol. 88, pp. 128-147. (doi:10.1016/j.ijar.2017.05.007)
- Lubiano, M.A.; Salas, A.; De la Rosa de Sáa, S.; Montenegro, M.; Gil, M.Á. (2017).
An Empirical Analysis of the Coherence Between Fuzzy Rating Scale- and Likert Scale-Based Responses to Questionnaires. In: Ferraro, M.B.; Giordani, P.; Vantaggi, B.; Gagolewski, M.;
Gil, M.Á.; Grzegorzewski, P.; Hryniewicz, O. (Eds.) Soft
Methods for Data Science. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 456, pp. 329-337. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-42972-4_41)
- Lubiano, M.A.; Salas, A.; Gil, M.Á. (2017).
A hypothesis testing-based discussion on the sensitivity of means of Fuzzy data with respect to data shape. Fuzzy Sets
and Systems, Vol. 328(1), pp. 54-69. (doi:10.1016/j.fss.2016.10.015)
- Martínez-Camblor, P. (2017).
Fully non-parametric receiver operating characteristic curve estimation for random-effects meta-analysis. Statistical Methods in Medical Research,
Vol. 26(1), pp. 5-20. (doi:10.1177/0962280214537047)
- Martínez-Camblor, P.; Corral, N.; Rey, C.; Pascual, J.; Cernuda-Morollón, E. (2017).
Receiver operating characteristic curve generalization for non-monotone relationships. Statistical Methods in Medical Research,
Vol. 26(1), pp. 113-123. (doi:10.1177/0962280214541095)
- Sinova, B.; Van Aelst, S. (2017).
Tukey's Biweight Loss Function for Fuzzy Set-Valued M-estimators of Location. In: Ferraro, M.B.; Giordani, P.; Vantaggi, B.;
Gagolewski, M.; Gil, M.Á.; Grzegorzewski, P.; Hryniewicz, O. (Eds.) Soft
Methods for Data Science. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 456, pp. 447-454. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-42972-4_55)
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