Research Group > Publications
> Journals/Books 2019
papers/Books/Book chapters
- Arellano, I.; Sinova, B.; de la Rosa de Sáa S.; Lubiano M.A.; Gil M.Á. (2019). Descriptive comparison of the rating scales through different scale estimates: simulation-based analysis.
In: Destercke, S.; Denoeux, T.; Gil, M.Á.; Grzegorzewski, P.; Hryniewicz, O. (Eds.)
Uncertainty Modelling in Data Science. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 832, pp. 9-16. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-97547-4_2)
Destercke, S.; Denoeux, T.; Gil, M.Á.; Grzegorzewski, P.; Hryniewicz, O. Editors (2019). Uncertainty Modelling in Data Science. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
(Series: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 832), Springer, Cham (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-97547-4,
ISBN: 978-3-319-10764-6)
- López-Díaz, M.C.; López-Díaz, M.; Martínez-Fernández, S. (2019).
A criterion for the comparison of binary classifiers based on a stochastic dominance with an application to the sale of home insurances. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal,
Vol. 6, 453–477. (doi:10.1080/03461238.2019.1574237)
- López-Díaz, M.C.; López-Díaz, M.; Martínez-Fernández, S. (2019).
Stochastic inequalities based on Cobb-Douglas utility functions. Journal of Mathematical Inequalities,
Vol. 13(3), 805-825. (doi:10.7153/jmi-2019-13-56)
- Lubiano M.A.; Carleos, C.; Montenegro, M.; Gil M.Á. (2019). Case study-based sensitivity analysis of scale estimates w.r.t. the shape of fuzzy data.
In: Destercke, S.; Denoeux, T.; Gil, M.Á.; Grzegorzewski, P.; Hryniewicz, O. (Eds.)
Uncertainty Modelling in Data Science. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 832, pp. 157-165. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-97547-4_21)
- Martínez-Camblor, P.; MacKenzie, T.A.; Staiger, D.O.; Goodney, P.P.; O’Malley, A.J. (2019).
An instrumental variable procedure for estimating Cox models with non-proportional hazards in the presence of unmeasured confounding.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C-Applied Statistics,
68(4), 985-1005. (doi:10.1111/rssc.12341)
- Martínez-Camblor, P.; MacKenzie, T.A.; Staiger, D.O.; Goodney, P.P.; O’Malley, A.J. (2019).
Adjusting for bias introduced by instrumental variable estimation in the Cox proportional hazards model.
20(1), 80-96. (doi:10.1093/biostatistics/kxx062)
- Martínez-Camblor, P.; Pardo-Fernández, J.C. (2019).
Parametric estimates for the receiver operating characteristic curve generalization for non-monotone relationships.
Statistical Methods in Medical Research,
28(7), 2032-2048. (doi:10.1177/0962280217747009)
- Martínez-Camblor, P.; Pardo-Fernández, J.C. (2019).
The Youden Index in the Generalized Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve Context.
International Journal of Biostatistics,
15(1), 20180060. (doi:10.1515/ijb-2018-0060)
- Martínez-Camblor, P.; Pérez-Fernández, S.; Díaz-Coto, S. (2019).
Improving the biomarker diagnostic capacity via functional transformations. Journal of Applied Statistics,
Vol. 46(9), 1550-1566. (doi:10.1080/02664763.2018.1554628)
- Sinova, B.; Van Aelst, S. (2019). Empirical analysis of the maximum asymptotic bias of location estimators for fuzzy number-valued data.
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Vol. 133, pp. 1-13. (doi:10.1016/j.ijar.2019.06.003)
- Sinova, B.; Van Aelst, S. (2019). Empirical comparison of the performance of location estimates of fuzzy number-valued data.
In: Destercke, S.; Denoeux, T.; Gil, M.Á.; Grzegorzewski, P.; Hryniewicz, O. (Eds.)
Uncertainty Modelling in Data Science. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 832, pp. 191-199. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-97547-4_25)
- Terán, P. (2019). Choquet Theorem for random sets in Polish spaces and beyond.
In: Destercke, S.; Denoeux, T.; Gil, M.Á.; Grzegorzewski, P.; Hryniewicz, O. (Eds.)
Uncertainty Modelling in Data Science. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 832, pp. 208-215. (doi:10.1007/978-3-319-97547-4_27)
- Vidal-Castiñeira, J.R.; Corte-Iglesias, V.; Sobrino-Díaz,L.; Pérez-Fernández, S.; Melón, S.; López-Larrea, C.; Díaz-Corte, C. (2019).
Effect of type of dialysis on CMV-specific CD8+T cells in kidney transplant candidates. Frontiers in Immunology, Vol. Vol. 10, Art. 1680. (doi:10.3389/fimmu.2019.01680)
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