Research Group > Publications
> Journals/Books 2024
papers/Books/Book chapters
- Alonso de la Fuente, M. (2024). New results on convergence in distribution of fuzzy random variables.
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 166, Article number 109125. (doi:10.1016/j.ijar.2024.109125)
- Cortés, Ó.; Cañón, J.; Andrino, S.; Fernández, M.; Carleos, C. (2024).
Inbreeding depression and runs of homozygosity islands in Asturiana de los Valles cattle breed after 30 years of selection. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics,
141(4), 440-452. (doi:10.1111/jbg.12853)
- Fritz, T.; Terán, P. (2024). Causal Markov Categories and Possibility Theory.
In: Ansari, J.; Fuchs, S.; Trutschnig, W.; Lubiano, M.A.; Gil, M.Á.; Grzegorzewski, P.; Hryniewicz, O. (Eds.)
Combining, Modelling and Analyzing Imprecision, Randomness and Dependence. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing,
Vol. 1458, pp. 142-148. Springer, Cham. (doi:10.1007/978-3-031-65993-5_17)
Fueyo, Á.; Sánchez, O.; Carleos, C.; Escudero, A.; Cordón, J.; Granero-Castro, J.; Borrell, Y.J. (2024). Unlocking rivers' hidden diversity and ecological status
using DNA metabarcoding in Northwest Spain. Ecology and Evolution, 14(8), Article number e70110.
- Fueyo, Á.; Sánchez, O.; Coya, R.; Carleos, C.; Escudero, A.; Cordón, J.;
Fernández, S.; Granero Castro, J.; Borrell, Y.J. (2024).
The influence of databases enrichment using local macroinvertebrate genetic references for metabarcoding based biodiversity studies in river monitoring. Ecological Indicators,
158, Article number 111454. (doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2023.111454)
- García-García, J.; Gil, M.Á.; Lubiano, M.A. (2024). On some properties of Cronbach’s α coefficient for interval-valued data in questionnaires.
Advances in Data Analysis and Classification. (doi:10.1007/s11634-024-00601-w)
- García-García, J.; Gil, M.Á.; Lubiano, M.A. (2024). Sensitivity Analysis on the Choice of the Metric on Cronbach’s α
Coefficient for Interval-Valued Data in Questionnaires.
In: Ansari, J.; Fuchs, S.; Trutschnig, W.; Lubiano, M.A.; Gil, M.Á.; Grzegorzewski, P.; Hryniewicz, O. (Eds.)
Combining, Modelling and Analyzing Imprecision, Randomness and Dependence. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing,
Vol. 1458, pp. 149-157. Springer, Cham. (doi:10.1007/978-3-031-65993-5_18)
- González-de La Fuente, L.; Nieto-Reyes, A.; Terán, P. (2024). Projection depth and Lr-type depths for fuzzy random variables.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 487, Article number 108991. (doi:10.1016/j.fss.2024.108991)
- Martínez-Camblor, P.; Díaz-Coto, S. (2024).
Reducing the overfitting in the gROC curve estimation. Computational Statistics,
39, 1005-1022. (doi:10.1007/s00180-023-01344-6). Supplementary Information: Supplementary file 1 (pdf 118 KB).
- Martínez-Camblor, P.; Pérez-Fernández, S.; Dwiel, L.L.; Doucette, W.T. (2024).
Comparing the effectiveness of k-different treatments through the area under the ROC curve. Stat,
13(2), Article number e587. (doi:10.1002/sta4.672)
- Sinova, B.; Palacio Vega, S.; Gil, M.Á. (2024). Sensitivity Analysis on the Choice of the Metric on Cronbach’s α
Coefficient for Interval-Valued Data in Questionnaires.
In: Ansari, J.; Fuchs, S.; Trutschnig, W.; Lubiano, M.A.; Gil, M.Á.; Grzegorzewski, P.; Hryniewicz, O. (Eds.)
Combining, Modelling and Analyzing Imprecision, Randomness and Dependence. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing,
Vol. 1458, pp. 466-473. Springer, Cham. (doi:10.1007/978-3-031-65993-5_57)
- Sinova, B.; Van Aelst, S. (2024). Fuzzy S-Estimators.
In: Ansari, J.; Fuchs, S.; Trutschnig, W.; Lubiano, M.A.; Gil, M.Á.; Grzegorzewski, P.; Hryniewicz, O. (Eds.)
Combining, Modelling and Analyzing Imprecision, Randomness and Dependence. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing,
Vol. 1458, pp. 474–482. Springer, Cham. (doi:10.1007/978-3-031-65993-5_58)
- Terán, P. (2024). Possibilistic Variables and Akian Semirings.
In: Ansari, J.; Fuchs, S.; Trutschnig, W.; Lubiano, M.A.; Gil, M.Á.; Grzegorzewski, P.; Hryniewicz, O. (Eds.)
Combining, Modelling and Analyzing Imprecision, Randomness and Dependence. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing,
Vol. 1458, pp. 509–517. Springer, Cham. (doi:10.1007/978-3-031-65993-5_62)
- Terán, P. (2024). Convergence of random elements via fuzzy integrals.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 478, Article number 108838. (doi:10.1016/j.fss.2023.108838)
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