Research Group > Publications > Proceedings/Abstracts 2012
Conference papers
- Blanco-Fernández, A.; Colubi, A.; García-Bárzana, M.;
Montenegro, M. (2012). A linear regression model for interval-valued data
based on set arithmetic. Sixth International Conference on Soft Methods
in Probability and Statistics. (SMPS'2012, Konstanz, Germany).
- De la Rosa de Sáa, S.; Gil, M.Á.; González-Rodríguez,
G.; Lubiano, M.A. (2012). Fuzzy rating scale-based questionnaire: some
drawbacks and statistical benefits. In Abstracts
of the V European Congress of Methodology. (ECM?2012, Santiago
de Compostela, Spain).
- De la Rosa de Sáa, S.; Gil, M.Á.; González-Rodríguez,
G.; López, M.T.; Lubiano, M.A. (2012).
Simulation study to compare Likert, fuzzy converted Likert and fuzzy rating
scales. In Abstracts of 6th CSDA International Conference on Computational
and Financial Econometrics and 5rd International Conference of the ERCIM
(European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics) Working
Group on Computing & Statistics (CFE 2012 & ERCIM 2012, Conference
Center ?Ciudad de Oviedo?, Spain), p. 106.
- De la Rosa de Sáa, S.; Gil, M.Á.; López, M.T.; Lubiano,
M.A. (2012). Fuzzy rating vs. fuzzy conversion scales: an empirical comparison
through the MSE. Sixth International Conference on Soft Methods in
Probability and Statistics. (SMPS'2012, Konstanz, Germany).
- Gil, M.Á. (2012). The fuzzy rating scale and the application
of the statistical analysis of fuzzy data. Convegno di chiusura dei
lavori del PRIN'08 ?Modelli ibridi per il trattamento della conoscenza
parziale nel processo decisionale in situazioni complesse? (Perugia,
Italy, 2012)
- Ramos-Guajardo, A.B.; Colubi, A.; González-Rodríguez,
G.; Gil, M.Á. (2012).
Testing the inclusion of the Aumann expectation of random sets in a compact
and convex set. In Abstracts of 6th CSDA International Conference
on Computational and Financial Econometrics and 5rd International Conference
of the ERCIM (European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics)
Working Group on Computing & Statistics (CFE 2012 & ERCIM 2012, Conference
Center ?Ciudad de Oviedo?, Spain), p. 83.
- Ramos-Guajardo, A.B.; González-Rodríguez, G.; Lubiano,
M.A. (2012). On
the robustness of bootstrap tests for the homoscedasticity of random fuzzy
sets. In Book
of abstracts of the 20th International Conference on Computational Statistics.
(COMPSTAT 2012, Limassol, Cyprus), p. 14.
- Ramos-Guajardo, A.B.; Lubiano, M.A.; González-Rodríguez,
G. (2012). Bootstrap comparison of statistics for testing the homoscedasticity
of random fuzzy sets. Sixth International Conference on Soft Methods
in Probability and Statistics. (SMPS'2012, Konstanz, Germany).
- Sinova, B.; Gil, M.Á.; González-Rodríguez, G.; Van Aelst,
S. (2012). Empirical
comparison of the robustness of two L1 type medians for random
fuzzy numbers. In Book
of abstracts of the 20th International Conference on Computational Statistics.
(COMPSTAT 2012, Limassol, Cyprus), p. 14.
- Sinova, B.; Gil, M.Á.; González-Rodríguez, G.; Van Aelst,
S. (2012). The
computation of the sample dq-median for random intervals. In Abstracts
of 6th CSDA International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics
and 5rd International Conference of the ERCIM (European Research Consortium
for Informatics and Mathematics) Working Group on Computing & Statistics
(CFE 2012 & ERCIM 2012, Conference Center ?Ciudad de Oviedo?, Spain),
p. 9.
- Sinova, B.; González-Rodríguez, G.; Van Aelst, S. (2012).
An alternative approach to the median of a random interval using an L2
metric. Sixth International Conference on Soft Methods in Probability
and Statistics. (SMPS'2012, Konstanz, Germany).
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Last modified (December 2012)