Research Group > Publications > Journals/Books 2012
Journal papers/Books/Book chapters
- Ayala, G.; López-Díaz, M.C.; López-Díaz, M.; Martínez-Costa, L. (2012).
Studying hypertension in ocular fundus images using Hausdorff dispersion ordering. Mathematical Medicine and Biology. Vol. 29(2), pp. 131-143.
- Baro, J.A.; Carleos, C.; Menéndez-Buxadera, A.; Rodríguez-Castañón, A.; Cañón, J. (2012).
Genetic variability underlying maternal traits of Asturiana de la Montaña beef cattle. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research. Vol. 10(1), pp. 69-73.
- Cascos, I.; López-Díaz, M. (2012).
Trimmed regions induced by parameters of a probability. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. Vol. 107, pp. 306-318.
- Gil Álvarez, M.Á.; Gil Álvarez, P.; Pardo Llorente,
L. (2012). Historical
Evolution of Statistics in Spain. Boletín de Estadística e Investigación
Operativa, Vol. 28, No. 1, Febrero 2012, pp. 8-23.
- Gil, M.Á.; González-Rodríguez, G. (2012). Fuzzy
vs Likert scales in Statistics. In: Trillas, E.; Bonissone, P.P; Magdalena,
L.; Kacprzyk, J. (Eds.) Combining Experimentation and Theory. A Hommage
to Abe Mamdani. Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, Vol. 271,
pp. 407-420. (doi:10.1007/978-3-642-24666-1_27)
- González-Rodríguez, G.; Colubi, A.; Gil, M.Á. (2012).
data treated as functional data. A one-way ANOVA test approach.
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. Vol. 56(4), pp. 943955.
- González-Rodríguez, G.; Colubi, A.; Gil, M.Á.; Lubiano,
M.A. (2012).
A new way of quantifying the symmetry of a random variable: estimation
and hypothesis testing. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference.
Vol. 142(12), pp. 3061-3072. (doi:10.1016/j.jspi.2012.06.006)
- López-Díaz, M.C.; López-Díaz, M. (2012).
When is an integral stochastic order generated by a poset? Journal of Inequalities and Applications. 2012:265.
- López-Díaz, M.; Sordo, M.A.; Suárez-Llorens, A. (2012).
On the Lp-metric between a probability distribution and its distortion. Insurance Mathematics and Economics. Vol. 51(2), pp. 257-264.
- Martínez-Camblor, P.; Corral, N. (2012).
A general bootstrap algorithm for hypothesis testing. Journal
of Statistical Planning and Inference. Vol. 142(2), pp. 589-600.
- Ramos-Guajardo, A.B.; Lubiano, M.A. (2012).
K-sample tests for equality of variances of random fuzzy sets .
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. Vol. 56(4), pp. 956-966.
- Sinova, B.; Colubi, A.; Gil, M.Á.; González-Rodríguez,
G. (2012).
Interval arithmetic-based linear regression between interval data: Discussion
and sensitivity analysis on the choice of the metric. Information
Sciences. Vol. 199, pp. 109-124. (doi:10.1016/j.ins.2012.02.040)
- Sinova, B.; Gil, M.Á.; Colubi, A.; Van Aelst, S. (2012).
The median of a random fuzzy number. The 1-norm distance approach.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems. Vol. 200, pp. 99115. (doi:10.1016/j.fss.2011.11.004)
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Last modified (December 2012)